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European Testing Week is a European campaign that encourages partner organisations, in community, health care and policy institutions, throughout Europe to unite for one week twice a year to increase testing efforts and promote awareness on the benefits of earlier hepatitis and HIV testing. This initiative has progressed since its start in 2013 and has grown to be a widely recognised European event with hundreds of organisations participating every year. What once started as an annual event has now become a biannual event with two ETWs occurring each year in Spring (May) and Autumn (November). Now in its eighth year, the ETW initiative will hold its Autumn European Testing Week from 20 - 27 November 2020. The aim of the Spring and Autumn ETWs remain the same: to unite partner organisations throughout Europe for one week to increase access to testing and promote awareness on the benefits of earlier hepatitis and HIV testing.

The ultimate goal of ETW is to make more people aware of their HIV and/or hepatitis status and reduce late diagnosis by communicating the benefits of testing. The longstanding tagline for ETW is Test. Treat. Prevent.

ETW aims to reduce fear and stigma associated with HIV and Hepatitis by increasing understanding around the benefits of HIV and Hepatitis testing and improving access to HIV and Hepatitis testing services.

European Testing Week is currently supported by 45 international and national organisations, including : European Commission, UNAIDS, European AIDS Clinical Society, AIDS Action Europe, European Liver Patients Association and the World Hepatitis Alliance.

History: About Us
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