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Albanian Association of PLWHA

The Albanian Association of People Living with HIV / AIDS, with the initials PLWHA is an association of patients, non-governmental, non-profit, registered with a Court Decision No. 1139, on 11/10/2004, based in Tirana that extends its activity throughout Albania. The main goal of the activity is to improve the quality of life for PLHIV by providing services, capacity building for PLHIV for the promotion and protection of PLHIV Human Rights, such as the right to treatment, care, support, education and employment. The aim of the association is to develop and implement joint policies for the benefit of the health and well-being of individuals living with HIV / AIDS in Albania. It conducts activities in the fields of education, treatment, support, care, organizational development, awareness, advocacy and fundraising to support interventions, and mobilize the community for HIV / AIDS problems. The Association of People Living with HIV / AIDS in Albania has grown over the years and has made possible its inherent commitment to building policies aimed at increasing the quality of preventive, supportive and treatment services, and the fulfilment of the rights of persons who live with HIV under the principles of non-discrimination and away from stigma.

The focus of the association's intervention and work programs is to improve the health and mental well-being of HIV-infected individuals, education on disease, treatment, lifestyle, immunization, care and control of their health status, as in caring for those who are already infected with HIV, but also informing and empowering to protect others; providing adequate counselling services for HIV-positive children, families and adults that LHIV; Advocacy, promotion and protection of human rights for PLHIV, in accordance with national and international legislation to guarantee and respect them; Advocacy into integrated prevention actions, testing for HIV and other SSTs, treatment such as prevention, PrEP, PMTCT Program. As representatives of the Albanian Civil Society in all organizations, conferences and regional and international meetings on HIV / AIDS, the Association is fully committed to planning the development of health policies, capacity building, awareness and making these policies available to institutional mechanisms, advocating for HIV to be a priority on the national agenda. Some of the achievements of our work so far are: The new Law on Prevention and Control of HIV / AIDS in the Republic of Albania, approved by the Albanian Parliament in July 2008; Review of the National HIV / AIDS Strategy; ongoing access to anti-HIV drugs; increasing standardization of regulatory models of care and support for HIV-positive people and their families; capacity building for HIV-positive people; raising and strengthening the network of parents of HIV-positive children; supporting groups for PJHIV; integrating HIV-positive children at all levels of the education system; psycho-social support services; providing adequate HIV counselling services for HIV-positive children, their families and adults living with HIV.

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